When performing a Keyword or Expert search, you can search for an individual word or phrase or use operators (also known as booleans or connectors) to get more specific. Supported operators include:
Use AND between terms to signify an AND operation (a space between words is treated as an AND by default)
robotic car will search for applications containing the terms "robot" and "car."
Use OR between terms to signify an OR operation
"distributed ledger" OR cryptocurrency will search for applications containing at least one of these terms
NOT or - adjacent to a word signifies a NOT operation (to exclude results containing a particular word or phrase)
robotic car -toy will search for applications that contain the terms "robot" and "car" and do not contain the word "toy"
" " indicates a phrase
"artificial intelligence" will search for applications containing the exact phrase "artificial intelligence"
* at the end of a term signifies a prefix query
robot* will search for applications where the root word "robot" appears. This will include both the words "robot" and "robotic"
( and ) signify precedence
("robot" AND "car") OR ("toy" AND "car") will search for applications containing both the words "robot" and "car" and applications that include the words "toy" and "car"
~N is a proximity search
"computer program"~3 will search for applications where the word "computer" appears within three words of the word "program"
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