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Patent Family Trees

A graphical family tree that provides application details, zoom-in/zoom-out functionality, and links to full application data.

Written by Allyssa Woodson
Updated over 10 months ago

Now available for Juristat IDS subscribers - a graphical family tree that provides application details, zoom-in/zoom-out functionality, and links to full application data for each application in the family.

Large patent families can make the already complex work on an IDS even more difficult. This interactive map of the patent family tree displays all applications that share a priority relationship. Each application node includes vital information such as application number, current status, attorney docket number, filing date, and application type. With Juristat IDS, reviewing family relationships has never been easier.

To view the patent family tree for an application, first make sure you’ve added the ‘Family Tree’ column to your view. Then, you can click ‘View Family’ where available.

If you have any questions about Juristat IDS, please feel free to contact us.

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